Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hello.. My Name Is Sara

I am a twenty-four-year-old female living in good ol' south jersey.

Some days I feel behind in my progress, other days I feel like I've moved way too fast. In my humble opinion, I have a lot going on in my life.

I graduated college in May 2006. I moved back to Jersey with my college boyfriend into a little apartment near my home town and adopted two cats.

Then, I got married last September to that college boyfriend, David. We took the fast track and now in February, a mere five months later, we own a home and just welcomed a puppy to our ever growing family and list of financial obligations.

We rent a room in our new fixer-upper to two friends and their geriatric cat.

We both work full time jobs. I as an assistant at a independent insurance agency and Dave as a customer service rep for a medical supply distribution company.

My days are busy and my mind is constantly racing to keep up with all of life's new developments, challenges and (sometimes good, but more often irritating) little surprises .

I have elected to use a blog as a canvass to harness those thoughts, observations and frustrations that are byproducts in my life as a twenty something year old trying to get by (and hopefully ahead) in the 21st Century.

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