Thursday, April 30, 2009

Officially Expecting!

David and I took our first trip to the OB/GYN yesterday.

It is confirmed, there is baby growing in there!

Due date was set as December 29th 2009. David would like it out by then, so we get the tax benefits, while I'd like to hold the baby in as far into January as possible so my baby doesnt have his/her birthday all mixed in with Christmas. :) Time will tell who gets there preference.

Next appointment is 5 weeks away, June 4th. But we may cancel that appointment because we plan on visiting a few OB/GYN/Midwives to decide which we are most comfortable with and which one will support us the most in having a natural birth.

Still no morning sickness here, just exhausted and sore (they aren't kidding when they say tender breasts). David however is hanging over the toilet.. nerves? swine flu? sympathy pregnancy? ha ha... who knows... I'm staying away from him.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Two Lines!!

It's semi-official! The pregnancy test says I've got a bun in the oven!

Now I've been pushed into a mode of eliminating caffeine from my diet, reading up on whats "normal" and purchasing pregnancy books on

Kristina, mother of my baby godson, is on her way over now with a pile of books :)

I got up the courage to test yesterday after work. When I saw the results, I felt like I was going to cry, but I didn't. I wasn't sad, of course, but I'd say it was 50/50 mix of happy and nervous. A huge rush of emotion. And I thought I'd have 3 minutes to wait, but I peed on that stick and "viola!" those two lines showed up faster than I could lay the stick flat. Apparently my pee is just full of that pregnancy hormone!

From what I've read, I'm "5 weeks" because the baby-growth charts start from first day of your last period. So, wow, from not pregnant to five weeks pregnant instantly! This means I have a baby cookin the size of an appleseed :)

So I've picked my little "ok to tell" group. My parents, my brother, and my already had a baby best friend Kristina. Oh yea, and I also told my two roommates cause I live with them and had to turn down raw cookie dough last night.

As a surprise this morning Dave presented me with our new baby's piggy bank!

I wanted it since I first saw it shopping for gifts for Kristina's baby shower. Apparently he picked it up shortly thereafter and was saving it for this occasion! Gotta love him.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Jak's First Backpacking Trip

Couldn't help myself, had to post it.
Jak's First Backpacking Trip
April 19th 2009

Not telling.

I have been told, by many people and a few websites, not to tell anyone your pregnant (if I am indeed pregnant) until your at least 3 months along.

This, as I understand it, is because risk of miscarriage is higher in the first trimester than the following two.

So, I was talking to the hubby last night about who we would and wouldn't tell, and we decided on a small group that we could tell immediately.

While the precaution is understandable, I can't imagine how hard it is going to be to hold this news back if two lines appear on that strip tonight.

Count down to the big test.

So life has been hectic lately..

David and I, who dont have enough craziness going on in our lives between a new puppy, new house and a fresh marriage, decided a few weeks ago that we should take a shot at baby-making.
After hearing many stories from women I know about trying to get pregnant and it taking a while, I assumed it would take a few months to suceed.

Well, now (by my rough calculations) I am about 4 1/2 days late... and my boobs hurt.

My almost one year old godson's mother, who is a younger than me twenty something, cautioned me not to get overly excited because my body could play tricks.. and it might be I suppose.

In any event, I'm sick of trying not to get my hopes up, so yesterday during a routine trip to Shoprite for eggs, milk, canned pineapples (for ham dinner) and a bag of potatos, I added a 2 pack pregnancy test to the pile.

I have to say, I was surprised how embarssed I was to to pick it up off the shelf and even to put it up on the conveyor belt (I may have put the bag of potatos on top of it). The girl at the register also seemed flushed as she quickly stuffed in a bag. It's so weird how just holding a pregnancy test made me so embarassed, especially when I'm intending on getting pregnant... Maybe I was embarassed because I was afraid onlookers would question whether I had made a mistake.. and of course, I forgot my wedding band at home.

Anyhow, when I picked up my lovely husband at work, I was excited to show him what I picked up. His response? "The girls told me to let them know if we found out tonight." Funny, I hadn't mentioned the test until after I bought it (on a whim really). Good to see we are on the same page.

Even though I bought the test yesterday, I chose not to take the test last night. Why? Cause today is Friday and I knew I'd have to go to work the next morning after taking the test. And then, no matter what the results would be, I would have to sit and think all day about the results and dwell because there wouldn't be anyone to discuss it with.

So, I decided on performing the all important test after work today so I have all weekend to let the results (whatever they may be) sink in.