Saturday, April 25, 2009

Two Lines!!

It's semi-official! The pregnancy test says I've got a bun in the oven!

Now I've been pushed into a mode of eliminating caffeine from my diet, reading up on whats "normal" and purchasing pregnancy books on

Kristina, mother of my baby godson, is on her way over now with a pile of books :)

I got up the courage to test yesterday after work. When I saw the results, I felt like I was going to cry, but I didn't. I wasn't sad, of course, but I'd say it was 50/50 mix of happy and nervous. A huge rush of emotion. And I thought I'd have 3 minutes to wait, but I peed on that stick and "viola!" those two lines showed up faster than I could lay the stick flat. Apparently my pee is just full of that pregnancy hormone!

From what I've read, I'm "5 weeks" because the baby-growth charts start from first day of your last period. So, wow, from not pregnant to five weeks pregnant instantly! This means I have a baby cookin the size of an appleseed :)

So I've picked my little "ok to tell" group. My parents, my brother, and my already had a baby best friend Kristina. Oh yea, and I also told my two roommates cause I live with them and had to turn down raw cookie dough last night.

As a surprise this morning Dave presented me with our new baby's piggy bank!

I wanted it since I first saw it shopping for gifts for Kristina's baby shower. Apparently he picked it up shortly thereafter and was saving it for this occasion! Gotta love him.

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