Saturday, May 9, 2009


I have a complete fear of c-sections.

I will do everything in my power to avoid the scaring, irreparable muscle damage and long recovery that go along with one. For me, this means a natural birth, with no epidural, because statistics show epidurals can slow labor and increase chances a c-section will be necessary.

So, in order to keep the doctors from getting impatient with me or talking me into pain killers in my weakened state of labor, I plan on having a team that is there to help me reach my goals during labor.

David's Mom had told me the story of Davey's birth and with it, an important lesson. Nancy's doctor wanted to perform a c-section when labor was taking too long for his patience, but Nancy's midwife told her she could deliver vaginally and massaged and coached her through it until David was born healthy and happy and without permanent damage to Nancy's abs.

From the time I heard this story, I decided that I too was going to have a midwife. Problem is, and I soon found out, a midwife isn't what a midwife used to be. Now a midwife is a certified nurse and not necessarily trained in massage or holistic birthing methods. What I found out I needed was a doula.

After my internet search, I found I spoke on the phone with Jodi and she made me feel so much better about my delivery. She advised me which hospitals have high c-section rates, which obstetricians are the most relaxed and comforting during delivery and even invited me to a holistic mothers group.

I am so excited to have someone who thinks like I do, and knows what she is doing. She has delivered 175 babies! Most importantly she doesnt think I'm crazy for wanting to turn down the epidural and bring a baby into the world the old fashion way.

David and I are pretty sure we want to deliver at Elmer Hospital. Even though it is 40 minutes from here, their facilities look amazing and Jodi and my friend Kristina (who went there once when she had a 9 months pregnant fall down the stairs) both swear the staff there is as kind as they've ever experienced.

Also, if I deliver at Elmer, I have the option of a water birth. They have always intrigued me and from what I have read make labor a lot less painful. Sounds good to me.

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