Monday, June 15, 2009

And now we wait..

So, I just got back from emergency surgery. Went into the doctor's office this morning expecting blood tests and/or an ultrasound and was instead given directions to the hospital.

Apparently, I was suffering from a molar pregnacny. Bascially, my body believes I'm pregnant, but the cells split all wrong and chromosomes go wild and instead of baby I end up with clusters of mismatched cells all over my uterus. Unfortunately, this means no chance of a baby and it also means no chance my body will remove the clusters nauturally.

In fact, if not taken care of surgically, molar pregnancies can cause hemorriging or even cervical cancer.

The chances of getting a molar pregnancy? 1 in 1000. Go figure, I've never even won a raffle.

So now it is over, I am to recover for 48 hours. Thats not the hard part. With a molar pregnancy I have to wait at least six months to get the okay to try to get pregnant again. *heart break* Dr. O'Flynn warned that getting pregnant before that could lead to miscarriage or even worse molar cells that are left over mixing with the new fetal cells and ultimately destroying what would be healthy pregnancy.

Right now, I think this experience is like being dumped by my first real boyfriend. I know there will be others, but nothing hurts your heart quite as bad.

1 comment:

  1. It's times like this that I rely on prayer. God,please give Sara the peace she needs to know that everything will be alright. Calm her fears and give Sara & Dave the reassurance that one day a beautiful baby will be nestled in her womb.
