Friday, June 12, 2009

New toy to blog with!!

There are two things that I don't spend enough time doing, one is journeling my existence, the other is bragging about my wonderful husband.

Today, I got an excuse to do both of those things more. My David suggested, or rather talked me into, getting a mini lap top as a pregnancy gift for myself. As he said, "it would be nice" if I could sit wherever I like and blog. It also gives me more flexibility to get started on my book, which I always say I will do, but don't.

So now, thanks to my wonderful and thoughtful husband, I can now blog as I cuddle with him on the couch, as he watches tv.

Don't forget, tomorrow is a very important day. Not because I am having a yard sale, although I am having a yard sale, but because David and I get to meet our baby!

Tomorrow is ultrasound day!

There are so many things going on in my head when I think about tomorrow. Will I be able to make out a the image of a small baby? Will everything be ok? Am I really pregnant (I still find it hard to believe)?

I keep worrying the technician will give us a somber look as she is looking around in there, and the annouce something isn't quite right... however unlikely that scenerio may be.

I also have this image of the technician looking over at us and telling us its twins. Ha ha.. oh my goodness I would pass out. Not that I wouldn't love twins as much as I would a single baby, but.. oh lets double the new mom's workload.

Another scenerio that I almost hope for, is that the tech will tell us we are further along than we thought (always a possibility by my calculations) and be able to tell us if we are (or is it I am?) creating a boy or a girl.

A subject for another post that boy/girl thing, but wish us luck tomorrow!

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